Will sites receive reimbursement for patient enrollment?
NARCRMS plans to reimburse sites on a per patient basis. A clinical center agreement, which will address data usage and include budgetary information, was provided to participating MS centers and includes more detailed information about site reimbursement. Sites will receive $600 annually per patient. Although the MRI and Biomarker cores have not gone live yet, this amount will include the cost for entering a complete set of CRFs for the visit, uploading MRI and shipping Biomaterials. Cost for collection and mailing will be extra, part of the biomarker core budget. This amount will also include the unscheduled visits for exacerbations or change in DMT. For patients on treatment the annualized relapse rate will be in the 0.3 range so most patients would not be expected to experience relapses.
Updated – 2/29/2016